Sunday, August 24, 2008

JITLI Stories Under The Stars

It was Saturday morning, Abdulla walked with me through La Jolla shore. We saw there a lot of animals: sea lions, sea birds, seagulls, squirrels and a lot of peoples jogging.
The awareness in U.S to keep nature and give the animals space to live is very impressive. Only with such tradition one can develop so beautiful animation films about animals. It was natural that in the night we should sleep outside near the beach of the pacific ocean, on property that belongs to Jacobs family.
Twice during the summer trip we slept outside on ground. The first time was in San Diego and the second time was in the Negev desert in Israel.
To my generation to sleep on the ground seems natural and part of behavior of loving the country. The teenagers did not complain but I did not feel that they really understood the meaning of that night.
Gary , Jerri-Ann and the children that hosted us brought everything we needed: dinner and breakfast, generator for light, toilette, water….
After we gathered from home hospitality, we made Havdala, a Jewish ceremony, San Diego teenager's parents took part in that ceremony. Later two music players performed with oriental music. The tones of the guitar and the Tambourine were likeable to my ears. The teenagers danced and sang, tired but very satisfied they entered the sleeping bags and slept very well during the chilly night. The morning came and we were ready for a new day of activities.
The questions that rose to my mind:
A. What is so special in the American education about keeping nature? Is it stand against development or making money?
B. Does sleeping all together outside, under the sky makes people feel more closeness? Make any relationship between man and land? Man and nature?
C. Is there something more calmingthen looking at the sea, the ocean, or hearing the
wave's sounds?

please write something



Saturday, August 23, 2008

From U.S Mexican Border to Shabbbat Evening

We began the day by travelling with the yellow bus to the US Mexican border. In fact, San Diego is located near that border. Half an hour is the time to reach with the bus from San Diego to the border. We descended the yellow bus and suddenly we saw the fence that marks the border, the Mexican people over the border, the Mexican city of Tichuana .
We met Enrique Morones who told us the history of his family with sources from Mexico, what he is doing and how he helps the illegal Mexican immigrants that try every day to cross this so long border.
I myself did not know that: San Diego area once belonged to Mexico, there are more borders in the world where fence separate between nations. It was hard for me to see the American policemen with their machine guns targeted at the border.
Suddenly a group of young people, half of them were in the American side and half of them in the Mexican side gathered to discuss the situation of the Pacific Ocean beach and how to keep it clean, how to preserve it. They explained us that it is the easiest way to them to meet each other, and to advance the ecological subjects they are sharing.
Our participants discussed in groups about fences as a solution between nations.

Then we reached the historical site of San Diego : Cabrillo National Monument.
Cabrillo was a Spanish sailor that conquered San Diego area. He banished the Indians from their lands. Beth Jacobs, in unique way, told us their story . This monument is a wonderful view point. The bay and the city were before us. The ranger of this place told us about his job. He brought us some souvenirs.
We lunched in the old city of San Diego near the first synagogue . It was a Mexican food restaurant with new good tastes.
It was Friday, the holy day of the Muslims, so the Bedouin groups explained us the Muslim prayer and demonstrated it. The Jewish participants asked a lot of questions and got the answers from their Muslim friends.
I was bothered with the question how the Muslims count their birthdays? If they count according to their calendar, the moon calendar, their year is short in about 11 days. The answer I got that the birthday date is not important at all in the Islam like in the western cultures but if someone celebrates his birthday he counts it according the universal calendar.
We divided the participants to couples. One Jewish and one Muslim and each other told his friend about his family, his dreams.
Before evening we reached to the conservative synagogue " Beth am". It was very nice to see everyone dressing in their best clothes, and all the boys with "kipa" on their heads. Avi from San Diego explained us about Shabbat pray and then we participated with the community. The prayer was with an electronic band and singer that excited the prayers.
Atthe entrance to the synagogue the community built a memorial wall to the holocaust similar to a wall of one of the synagogue that was in Hungary before the 2nd world war. The memory wall is very impressive and thoughtful.
We were invited to Shabbat Dinner at the Bermans' home, Amyi parents, Their home was so beautiful, the dinner was so good, the family welcome was so warm and given, as really typical Jewish hospitality and more then this.
The teenagers went again to the families to their second night and we the educators went to our Shabbat.
The questions that arose after this days activities were:
A. The significance of the notion "border", does a border separate or unify, the relativity of the border, changes or borders, my personal border, in the yellow bus that we drove were there borders? Did they disappear during the summer trip? What is the meaning of culture border?
B. The age of American history is 300 years, short history, is this the reason that they preserved and developed its' site so much?
C. What is similar and what differs among the religions? Is that the base of co-existence?
D. Why can we not find conservative or reform Muslims?
E. The beauty of the Shabat. Whether the different ways to keep the shabat make the Shabat so unique?
I need your comments, answers to my questions.
The pictures and videos in the previous post
Thanks to Tamar Harris that help me to translate the posts to English

Thursday, August 14, 2008

From the US Mexican Border to Shabat Evening

Hellow Jitli Family
This post includes video and pictures, the next post after the translation to English will include my thoughts.
The US Mexican Border

Cabrillo National Monument

Talking Each Other

Shabat Evening

All together now talking

2 First days pictures


I need your comments


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Tel Aviv Los Angeles San Diego - thoughts

We departed Israel from Ben Gurion airport , stopover New York landing in Los Angeles.
In the plane one of the Bedouin boys asked me " Is it true that we'll reach Hollywood?"
Wanted to say is it real? Dream? A dream that comes true?
San Diego group welcome us, it was a very exciting moment. It was our first meeting, but seems that we know each other. The preparation during the year and the technological possibilities helped us to keep connection.
This summer trip began with "hamburger & kola" a typical American meal , and a tour in Hollywood. This tour was guided by the San Diego group , we saw the Chinese theater, the Oscar prize hall, and a lot of street actors playing our heroes for some regards and money. While we waited for all the groups returning from the tour, some boys began to play sport games. Sport is an international language.
We drove to Jackline studio to get a biodanza workshop. All the teenagers co-operated with Jackline. It is a kind of dance that comes from the soul and the dancer's emotions and feelings. Every dancer expresses himself and his relationship to his friends and to the neighborhood. I myself danced with the video camera that worked during the workshop and enjoyed it very much.
Art is one more international language that builds bridges. My feeling after the workshop was great; I looked over the teenagers all of them were smiling.
We reached the large park in Los Angeles and there we had the opening ceremony of Jitli summer trip 2008. Every group worked hard and prepared show and presents.
The groups from San Diego and Shaar Hanegev prepared the presents by themselves, the groups from Segev Shalom and Laquia bought suitable presents. Every group thought what to bring to keep Jitli spirit.
After the ceremony we drove to San Deigo . the parents of the group from San Diego waited for the teenagers and took them for home hospitality. We were all very excited. Suddenly all became quiet, then I began to feel tired. the long day almost came to end.
Some questions rose in my head while I wrote this post:
a. The flight from Israel to California over half of the world, in what way can we internalize and understand what really happened to us?
b. We saw very littlein Hollywood but is Hollywood a model to copy?
Biodanza workshop:
c. Why dealing with art and especially dance makes a connection among people from different culture?
d. Is Biodanza a good workshop to make connection among people from different culture? Why?
I'll be more then happy to get your comments, specially from Jitli participants, what you felt during the first day?
the second day - soon

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Tel Aviv Los Angeles San Deigo, The First Day of Jitli Summer Trip

Tel Aviv Los Angeles San Deigo, The First Day of Jitli Summer Trip 10.7.08

The opening ceremony

I wrote the post about the first day in Hebrew and now I'm translate it to English meantime some video files that show the events of the first day of Jitli summer trip 2008
Every video file has two addresses: one in You-tube website, and the other of my website.
1. A short summery of all the events of the first day.

2. The first day – Hollywood part.

3. The first day – Biodanza

4. The first day – the opening ceremony.

5. The opening ceremony – Shaar Hanegev show

6. The opening ceremony – Segev Shalom show

7. The opening ceremony – Laquia show

8. The opening ceremony – San Diego show

9. The opening ceremony – All together now

10. The opening ceremony – Ahchim – brothers

some pictures:




Thursday, August 7, 2008

jitli - 2008

Shalom Salam Hello

I'm part of a project that deals with co-existence between Jews and Muslim Arabs. The name of the project is JITLI= JACOBS INTERNATIONAL TEENLEADERSHIP INSTITUTE. The 40 participants of this project are:10 Jewish teenagers from Shaar Hanegev Israel, 10 from San Diego USA, 10 Bedouin teenagers from Segev Shalom and 10 from Laquiya .All participants are at the end of the 11th grade. The number of the boys equals to the number of the girls during the year each community prepares itself to the challenging summer. The beginning point of the trip is equal to all the communities.
This project is a vision of Jacobs family from San Diego. Gary and Jerri-ann Jacobs. The summer trip began in San Diego Cal, after a week there, the group continued to Spain, Granada, Cordova, Toledo and the last week was in Israel: Jerusalem and Negev.
The teenager boys and girls were fascinated, full with admiration and curiosity and were ready to discuss the questions, conflicts that rose during the trip.
Some of the questions were:
1.what is my identity? Jewish or Israeli? Jewish or American? Moslem, Palestinian, Israeli, Bedouin. What is my personal order?
2. Modernization and traditions, religions and traditions, what is my personal preference? We visited synagogues, mosques, churches. We found a lot of subjects that are similar in those religions.
3. boys and girls that different from each other culturally and religiously, what are the possibilities of building bridges of friendship among them?
4. What are the feelings to experience historical events in the places they happened?
5. What is the contribution of such a trip to the advancements of the relationship between Jewish and Bedouins that live together in the Negev?
I finalize this post by giving my opinion about the cultural differences among the communities.
The American youth are very much involved, we can feel and hear them, they always have something to say; they know the limits between allowed and forbidden.
The Bedouin youth are very sensitive, quiet, and proud in their tradition and keep it when ever it committed. During the trip they always came to me and asked if I need any help, to carry, to sit….most of them say their opinions only if it suits the tradition and religion but some of them very bravely said their opinions although it was against their accepted tradition.
The Jewish Israeli youth think, are sensitive, have what to say, protecting Israel positions, sometime are confused and do not know behavior limits, there is collective responsibility, demand of their "rights".
From the next post I'll describe the trip, every day its' stories, pictures, feeling…..questions
I'll be more then happy to read your comments, questions, opinion…..